Read our latest Newsletter to see how Milledgeville Cares impacts the community!
Goals Of Milledgeville Cares
- Provide a current directory of agencies and faith-based organizations that provide goods, services, emotional support, and information necessary for living a satisfying and healthy life.
- Provide emotional support through compassionate listening and caring concern as we serve by suggesting ways to solve our clients’ survival problems, researching ways to help when necessary, and advocating when needed.
- Refer those in need to agencies that fund those who are unable to pay for necessities such as rent, utilities, childcare, transportation, etc., if we don’t have funds to do so.
- Communicate with others so that, for our clients’ best interest, we can work together for the good of those we serve. We believe in unity.
Needs of Milledgeville Cares
We always need financial donations for our clients. You can find information on how to donate HERE. We are working towards getting an office space, and with you donations we can make that a reality! Please consider setting up a donation of $10-$15 per month from your bank account or from a Venmo account, so that we can continue to help those in crisis keep the utilities on and/or save them from evictions, etc. You can also send a check to P.O. Box 754, Hardwick, GA 31034. Checks can be made out to “Milledgeville Cares”. We have also changed banks for your convenience, so a check can be submitted at any of three locations locally – Exchange Bank at Lake Sinclair (Kroger), the mall, and downtown Milledgeville. Your support is greatly appreciated and will enable us to continue to serve those in greatest need in our area.
Since we help many who have lost everything they own through fires, evictions, bedbugs, or domestic violence, we need household items and clothing, cleaning supplies (even partially-used soaps and cleaning solutions), paper products, toiletries, bedroom and living room furniture, and appliances to us. We try to pick them up for your convenience, but if you can find someone to bring the items to us, we will be so grateful. Call 478-457-5311 or message us on Facebook.