Looking for a home, a job, or finding ways to save money? Look here and see this and more!
Everyone is encouraged to search the MANY resources listed on the pages below for assistance finding jobs and homes, living happier lives, saving money, and more! The Resources Directory details many organizations and how they help.
Milledgeville Cares has “Request for Assistance” forms available for download HERE, and in paper form at the Baldwin County Jail, the Milledgeville City Water Department, and the Department of Family and Children Services. Complete the form and mail it back to Milledgeville Cares. Due to their unusual situation, you must wear gloves and a face mask to pick up a form at the Baldwin County Jail.
There are two Facebook pages that announce where to find food and other mass-distributed items. One is Baldwin County Georgia People and the other is The Milledgeville Georgia Public Message Board. Check out these pages to find free items for your family.